Updating your bot's token

Another management command encapsulated in this package is tgbottoken. This command allows you to update the token for a bot you have created.

Step by step guide

  1. Open the Django project with django-tgbot installed in it
  2. Enter this command in the command line (terminal / cmd):

    python manage.py tgbottoken
  3. Enter the username for the bot you want to modify (without @):

    > python manage.py tgbottoken
    Enter bot username: <BOT_USERNAME e.g. botdevtestbot>
  4. Enter your new API token:

    > python manage.py tgbottoken
    Enter bot username: <BOT_USERNAME e.g. botdevtestbot>
    Enter the bot token (retrieved from BotFather): <YOUR_TOKEN>

Your token is updated! If you have set the webhook correctly you can now send messages to your bot and it should respond to the messages.